Saturday, December 03, 2005

Almost to the end of a 10 days work.

Man!!! i managed to get thru this....and other trying issues during this shitty period. Still the thing that bothered me the most is....the relationship issue.
Well....guess this is life, there will always be somethings to trouble us or I will be too "care-free".
Anyway.....I am still trying to cope with it.
At work....things are much better, hahaha boss is on holidays in Taiwan for the whole of the week. So peaceful....but not trouble-free. Most are due to the QA and operators's big deal, just stand firm and be firm with them.
Now.....I am looking forward to the 4 days rest. hahaha....monday, attend class from 2 to 4pm for AIG hour ( shit! i have already clocked enough hours for it, my mistake that i didn't check before putting my name in for it ) then Tuesday morning, meeting ang mo client for his family insurance need. POWER!!! heaven sent....hahaha.
For honey? idea when can i see her. So tied up with her new car.....maybe too "howlian" also, kidding.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Wednesday....1st day of work

Now.....1st day of my own team work and another 3 more nites to go. the 1st of Nov for chinese lunar calender. I will go to temple as usual in the morning.
Nothing much to look forward to.....maybe hope to go for a family vacations to KL for food and shopping in the third week of Dec. Beside is totally nothing left. health is still holding well but not my mental health...."emotional depressed" by
you know who. I still trying my bloodly best....not to think about it but somehow, it always managed to come to haunt me whenever I am alone whether just before sleeping or driving. So much so that....I end-up can't sleep or getting mad for the slightest provocation by other drivers. Shit :(
The more I tried not to think, the more it comes to haunt me. Still no regrets....and I must get a hold of myself and move on with my life.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Another week.....gone!

Man.....time and tide wait for no man. What a saying? Anyway....what else can I look forward to
The good part is....I managed to get thru this week in one piece. Yes! met with all sorts of problems during the course of the week but in the end of it, I am still alive and kicking. :)


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.