Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Forex trading course package

For the amount I signed on for S$3299...the following is the package.

8-Week Forex Trader Course
Essential technical, fundamental and psychological aspects of trading structured over 8 weeks.

FXDS Grad's Night (Lifetime)
Catch up with your friends. A different trading topic will be shared during the monthly session.

Forex Trading Club (Lifetime)
Come in once a week to trade live with your classmates. A trainer will be on duty to help you as you mature and encounter different challenges in the market.

Customised Tuition Programme
For next 6 critical months after your graduation, come in once a week to get your personal trade diagnosis.

Btw this school was started by....this guy!
Winston Ng - CEO, Head Trainer,
Inner Health Lifestyle Empowerment Facilitator

Winston Ng has 10 years experience training one of the hardest groups of people to keep attention with - Teenagers! He has personally kept more than 5,000 teens riveted over 3 day periods. From the age of 16, he already started speaking to groups of 2,000 and more people; to rousing applause.

Winston Ng started his foray into the financial world out of necessity, rather than seeking wealth and riches.

He travelled the world from the U.S., to Switzerland to Australia to learn from the very best in financial knowledge and psychology. This includes learning from Private Bank Fund Managers who lists celebrities among their clients, Professional Forex Traders, Stock and Options Traders who consistently achieve 50% p.a., as well as experts in Wealth Psychology who manage and grow multi-million dollar accounts. He also counts among his friends - global real estate developers, franchise owners, doctors, and executives who earn in excess of USD$1 million a year.

From a managed wealth perspective, he has leveraged on his experience with these celebrity money managers across continents to create a blended system that allows investors with less than $5million networth to benefit from the same financial protection and growth that is available to the uber rich.

His self-trading experience goes back almost 8 years starting from options, to stocks, and now he has streamlined a safer way to profit from the Global Marketplace through proper Forex Trading setups that require less effort and more time to do the things he enjoys in life!

In the midst of a Financial world that is filled with tons of jargon meant to confuse the uninitiated, he has only one mantra to profit - Only Results Matter!TM


Back to work...well, as usual went for a swim in the morning then cook food to stand-by for dinner. Put everything into pot and boiled for 10 mins then after that put the whole pot into the thermal pot ( bought one from Isetan ) together with another layer of barley water. Woke up at 5pm and both were ready for eating. need to monitor too becoz no electric used, so no over cooking or burnt food to worry about. This use for mainly soupy food esp those that required a long cooking time. luck today, body is aching from yesterday workout at my condo's gym. I want to have a nice 6-packs body mah far, still in one solid chunk hahaha. With the swimming...arms also more firm and that give me lots of stamina too unlike the first time when I swam one lap in the pool. Had to stop to catch my breath at least twice for the 25m hehehe. Now....can do 2 laps before feeling breathless....oh, that is with a fast lap. Can't swim slowly like some other swimmers....they seem to go on and on but at a very slow pace which I can't do. No patience for that. Now....really darken like a malay man. Btw....still more or less the same weight.....70kgs but eat more too.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Yes....went and signed up for the Forex trading class. And training starts 5th Oct monday for 8 sessions then with 6 mths of monitoring one-on-one by trainer for $3299
with the Forex Driving School, yes....the one started by the curly hair young man who appeared and featured in the TODAY's newspaper about a few weeks back. Btw he doesn't speak that well and half the time, I don't really understand what he was trying to say but somehow...I feel that I can trust him and he doesn't tried too hard to impress at the talk too. His asst - Miss Shufang was friendly and to me...the whole group come across as regular people who are passionate and are willing to share their experience with newbies like myself. I am totally new at this Forex trading thing...totally with no idea what the hell is it all about. For the course thingy....I am willing to pay the fee as long as I can learn how to trade and be ahead with some winners never mind big or small money. I will start with some token amount first.

Maybe it was due to the fact that I kept on loosing my pants in share trading that I want to try forex trading since that I don't seem to make any headway with stock trading after donkey years ( 25yrs or more?? - shit! wasted years and money ). So this time...I want to try something different and will do it with an open mind too.

Hopefully I would be able to be ahead this round with this forex thingy! Too tired of loosing money most of the time lei!


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