Friday, August 26, 2005

Happy friday

Yah...received 3 emails from my honey. You made my day...honey :)
thank you...bless your soul. Have fun with nature over the weekend,
and like you said....make the best out of the situation.

Stay safe, stay cool and stay happy....I will be waiting for your reply
with regards to our outing on Mon or Tue.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Very angry....due to no access to my honey's mail

Yah....very angry becoz I didn't get my daily fix of reading my honey's mail and blog. At my office....last night, I can log-in into the hotmail site and I can see that my honey has sent an email to me but I cannot access to read it.....pc shown error at page from 8pm to 2am so I came rushing home. home worst, can't even access into the server. I tried all sorts of ways and even thought my wife did something to the pc to monitor me till 5am this morning and nearly cannot wake up to send kid to school.
Question her with my black face....then get the room's pc and my eldest's lap top to access to hotmail. Also nok....noticed the speed is even slower than my old 386 pc. Guess it was the site's problem now. important my honey is to me? Even just to read her mail....can make me "mad" when I can't get the access. I missed her very very much.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

To our first anniversary

Yes! it was a year ago that we met for the 2nd time face2face and we have a first screwing session and from then on...I am so very addicted to you. No change to my feeling for you even when we have our "up and down" along the way. Guess it is due to the lack of time ( the need to earn a living ) that prevent us to meet up more often....and not the commitment we have for each other. Well....better planning may solve the issue in future. LOL :0
Can remember we went for a Tom Cruise's movie for our first date...a week before today last year and how I was seizing up your firm butt, your warm body and soft hands.
I honestly hope we will have more good years ahead for "us together".....

To my honey and soulmate,
Whatever happen .....past, present and the future, my love for you will never change. We can agreed to can have your own space and time...and I hope time can never change our feeling we had for each other this day....a year ago.
Happy Anniversary to honey.


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.