Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Rich/Poor divide in Spore

Time for the leaders to wake up if they still think they are doing a great job governing singapore.

Yes...for the rich ( 5% ), they are doing a great job becoz only the rich will get even more richer. Same for our leaders.

For the poor ( 20% )....too bad, this lot of people can go to hell or go over to Malaysia or Indonesia to live out your life as they don't matter at all to our leaders.

For those in the middle ( 75% )....well, we will train you to be in the service lines eg taxi drivers, guards, waiters, cooks once you got yourself "retrenched" from your manufacturing line.

Btw we have already allowed the population to grow by 25% by giving out the new citizenship and PR to 1+ million pinoy, indon, indians, chinese, ang mo, malaysian and whoever has the money.

My personal view....yes, it is a wonderful place to live esp if you are rich as you have personal safety and whatever money can buy to live in Singapore. For the poor,
sorry.....better think of up-grading or go live somewhere else. For those in-between, don't sell your flat...always to ready for re-training and up-grading to do whatever job and vote for PAP or else!


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