Tuesday, April 26, 2005

My world

yah....my honey is actually everything to me. After finishing my Saturday's night shift, totally relaxed knowing that there will be 4 days of rest and that I am meeting with my honey on Monday. Go home and sleep as usual then wake up to find a sms....unable to make it due to personal commitment. This is where my world starts to come crushing down....man! My body starts to shut down...just has nothing to look forward to. Man! 4 days of "zero" things....to think
of or to be happy for. Luckily my honey comes to my aid....pantyless and all that, helps to take my mind off the disappointment. She is an angel in my eyes....understand me very well and will try her best to make things smooth and horny. Anyway....another sms comes and my hope is up again. Still may be able to see her maybe in the night or on Wednesday.
This morning went to buy $10 worth of toto....1.5million. Hope to be the winner, so that I can elope with my honey so that my world is complete.
Man cannot do without a good woman....but a good woman can do without any man. Right?

Monday, April 25, 2005

TOTO - buy a hope....

Guess that is a reason most people invest in that....I called it an investment becoz it gives a sense of possibility to coming out "RICH" as you feel good about winning while waiting for the result to be out. All that time....your hope is up and it takes your mind off anything that is troubling you. I should know...that is what I feel whenever I invest some money in it. The "shiok" feeling is powerful....especially when times are hard and dreams are few and way apart.
Guess that is the way for most...power to the people!!!
Today's top jackpot prize is 1.5million....that can help me a mega big deal!!! To settle my and my honey debts....buy darling new car, down payment to her dream condo, tour the world...and lookout for a beautiful place to elope, start a new life....brand new with all possibilities open. That is my hope....share my future and winning with my honey....my world!


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.