Sunday, March 05, 2006

Yes! it is a new day.

Yes, I have read your blog Sandra this morning. Now I believe you are starting to wake up to the hard and shameful facts facing you. Like I said before.....I cannot sleep just when I think of what the future holds for himer2, M & M and lastly you ( you must never let go of any of your children becoz you will never have any "redemption" in this life or in future lifes if you ever do that ). There is no other choice now but to bite the "bullets" and move on the best you can.
Things all around...especially the hubbies!!! can never be the same no matter how hard you cry, beg or regrets. Your past will never be erased from their memories and this will come round to haunt you again and again whenever things go wrong or if there is any misunderstanding. Even your closest....friends, relatives or anyone else ( students /fellow teachers ) if they were to know what happened will look at you in a totally different way. front of you, people will lend you their support and side with you but in the long run....will laugh behind your back and gawk on your suffering and pain. That will included all think are the closest to you. Only thing you can do to ensure this issue does not take place is..... to zip up your mouth forever on this major screw-up once and for all, to be at your best behaviour to your hubby, mil and your own mother at all times for they may slowly over-look and forgive your past mistakes or misunderstanding. Spend all your free time to be with your kids to help guide them to live a simpler and fuller life....and also totally give up all your fooling around, flings and seduction of boys or men ( yes! I know this is hard for you but really....believe me you don't want have another round of strains with Mr Tan. He is the most understanding hubby in the world and he must have your pity since he has take all these so well....your hubby2 or hubby3 or any other hubbies will never be so kind and do what Mr Tan does. Frankly I don't want to be him becoz I went thru "deep depression" when I felt that you have "changed" and started to give me excuses since late last year. You can noticed "my pain" from the way I blogged.....but I really "bite" my lip whenever I am with you becoz I "love" you dearly. Frankly...I was frighten that my face betrayed my I just keep a straight face and give you a torturing fuck everytime I can, should have agreed with you to meet "Hotblackbird" Ren & Gen ( swingers ) for a gangbang for you. By the way...he is an Indian man. I also ordered the biggest vibrating dong ( as big as my arm with rubber thorns all round it ) to use on you....and it came too late so it is in my car now, whenever you may want to try...let me know. You really need all these punishments for your sins....and also to repent for all the lies you cooked up. Tammy and Susan - NYP stories seen "tame" as compared to yours....if this is written into a book. "Crows" - china girl's book is chicken feed too...
Man! you know how to "bewitch" men, I remember you tell me before that whenever you wear the tight pant to your school....your male students and fellow male teachers' eyes "pop out". That is why...I thot one of them must be screwing you in school whenever you "cancel" our TUItion session. Remember that I did said that I am willing to stay in your "Q-line" but "die die" you said there is "no such Q". Liar! always telling me that it was your hubby not working and coming to pick you ....yeah, now we know which "hubby" hahaha. HOPE you didn't use this excuse with Mr Tan.
Sorry....gotto stop here, thinking and making me "mad" again. SEE.....this can and will happen in future with Mr Tan and your "lover-boy" again and again till we all 'passed-away'.


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