Friday, September 21, 2007


Well....if everyday is like today then I will be rich. STX PO .... seem to behave actually what I predicted it to be in term of price movement but the trouble is that I don't have enough faith with myself or self-delief.

And the other trouble when it comes to trading in shares is that for myself I tend to be taking huge risks esp stocks that have gone up. I tend to notice them at the end stages. That is why....I may win-some, and lose-some too. At the moment, more
at the losing side. I must practiced self-control not to chase or buy shares that has gone up in prices.

Somehow....not to sure that the market can go up further without a major correction.
In my should happen sometimes in Oct just like in 1989 Oct 13 ( black oct )
where the US market Dow index dropped nearly 500 points when the Dow index at 3000+ points....a drop of 15 to 18% in a single day.

With this in mind....I have already shift out the other funds into Money market funds for safe keeping.

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