Saturday, September 15, 2007

Life "sucks"

Yes! saw the teacher blogging about his gay lifestyle. gay teacher, later lesbian don't know what! then what will be next?

Guess....people are getting "bored" with life, so want to try something weird for a change. But the whole topic got out of hand when these people start to blog openly their lifestyle esp teachers.

I feel most people are not ready to accept "gay or lesbian" teachers openly yet becoz what message is these "gay teachers" trying to say to the students. In a simple fact....that there are rules here that state "homo-sexual sex between 2 guys is against the laws here". Unless this is is not the time to openly declare one's sex orientation openly if one is still working full-time in some professional post in the government dept.

Me....I'm straight but still it doesn't make any different kekeke. Fxxk! that is how life "suck".

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