Saturday, November 03, 2007

No such thing as a sure bet

Yes! confirmed esp for the above statement. At best....the odds are better maybe 30/70 but only if one is prepared to lose some money and sleep, it is best just to keep an eye on the market esp like now.

Yes! one can still win some money....only but if ONE is prepared to be patient and wait for the opportunity. Must be damn nibble in this type of market or end-up losing the pants too. holding a losing bet may not be a "great idea" as no one can predict the bottom for the stock at this moment. At best....after some homeworks and midnight oil....can come up with some guidelines before placing the bets.


wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

Yes! I lost both sleep and money trying to win some money for my honey. In the end...sighed, still
never get my reward...."pau pau".

Guess....some guys are really lucky with the girls, they just don't have to corrupt any one of them and still they have their fills.


wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

Only STX PO can be considered as a good bet...still not a "sure" bet unless one is prepared to pick up the stock if the timing was wrong.


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