Thursday, November 08, 2007

Wed and Thu - SGX and world market

Man...a killing field on today's markets for other Asian markets, esp after last night huge drop in the US - 360 points south.

Lucky for us...we had a holiday but then we cannot escaped the drop for long. Just gotto hope that the US closed higher tonight then the drop here on Friday will be manageable. Will still suffer a drop...only how bad.

The market as a whole has gone up too much too fast, and now with oil and the sub-prime issues we cannot expect the market will continue to go up higher. The world is such that the rich will get richer, and the poor....poorer. This is an example.

I read in today's newspaper that the number of billionaires in China is fast catching up with the US. I am not their stock market is gone up so fast over the past couple of years, that one day soon....we shall be sending our children to work there. Luckily not as maids but as teachers and other skilled workers. Guess we are also lucky to be Singaporean. And we must not forget about this. Yes! our standard of life has dropped lately with the increase of almost everything but pay....still we are lucky, maybe we should be more careful with our money and things will be okay.

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