Thursday, December 27, 2007

Old man - passed away on 18/12/07 last he passed away peacefully at 9:45am on Tuesday. Same time as my mom's. And with me around together with my family members.

The wake was for 3 days so the funeral was on the following Thursday. Collected a total of $5491 plus RM$700 and expenses at $11916.40. Incurred a deficit of $6425.40 as of now....there still other expenses to take care of later. Eg when mom's remain is removed from her grave to be kept together with my dad's remain in the future.

One thing is for sure....becoz of money, family members can fall out with each my case is the loose mouths of my elder sisters and sister-in-law. Managed to put them in their places since I caught hold of the gossip early or the whole thing would have end worse off then the relationship would be unmanageable. Another thing is that my old man is not rich...that helps too. Looking back at my aunt's family....the whole family fell apart after my aunt's death due to money....she was rich. Everyone was fighting for a share of the pie. For my dad's case...even since he was poor, there still gossip about money. Eg the collection of white-gold vs expenses, the truth was that my elder sisters somehow mistook the 2 sets of figures. Instead of deficit they thought there was a gain....SHITHEADS. Esp since they were around when the expenese were represented to us for approval by the funeral home representive and chruch. Only when I pointed out to them....then they realised their mistake.

The good part for the whole affair was that the funeral was well taken care of....quite grand and with plenty of foods for everyone.


wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

No matter how much I have prepared to handle all the activites during the old man's death....I was shocked by the inital hour....

Anonymous said...

Sorry to learn the death of your dad.
Sometimes to be able to die is a doem of release.
May GOD bless him n be with him.


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