Saturday, December 15, 2007

Stock market for the week ending 14/12.

Look like the market went south again after 3 weeks of up got me here. Shit! got bited again, luckily just a small wound. Looking at it is buy on rumor and sell on fact. This is a old saying....nothing new, all old market birds will tell you that but not all old market birds practiced what they knew all along.....back to the greed thing again.

If I want things to be different the next year then I must recall all my lessons from all my dealings in the market over the years. In fact....since 1983.....shit after 24 years of losts still I am losing. Never learn....or didn't learn my lessions?


wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

Staying calm....does help at times like this.

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said... "blink blink" trying to guess which direction the market will takes next monday onwards.

Still no fxxking idea.....kekeke!

Unknown said...

hmmm, the rate cut news had a surprising effect on the market. the previous rate cut news push the market north, but the recent one, went the opposite way!!


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