Saturday, January 12, 2008


Guess...I should continue with the balance of his numbers. ( 5236 or 2365 ) - his niche # , my parents' age when they passed away....he was 90 and she was 85 ( 9085 or 8590 ), and the time of their passing, both at about the same time.....09:45hrs ( 2945 or 9452 ) - hard to believe but both die about the same time and breakfast time too.

The above was from the blog I posted earlier.

So from the look of it....since 2954 has already came in 1st prize on 12/1 ( Sat ), there remain 2 sets of numbers ==>> 5236 or 2365 and 8590 or 9085. seem that my dad's numbers will only came in as I-bet and not straight on. The problem of buying I-bet is the "cost"....since these are 24 combinations numbers. Won't be able to whack it "big".....mati first if do that.

For the record....already 3 sets of his numbers have came in 1st prize so far in 2008. POWER!!!

Hahaha....maybe tomorrow I might tempt to try one of 2 balance sets of number for I-bet. Will decide this morning which set to buy.

Good luck to me....hahaha I need that since I lost a big hole in the stock market ( paper-lost ).
Talking about the stock market....just don't know when the whole sub-prime issue can be settled, as I am still holding on to a big chunk of shares. Already suffered a 35% paper-lost for the value of the stocks I am holding on.


wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

haha....not bad still kena $4000 but after minusing for the cost, left $2400. Just think....if didn't kena...I would be worst off as I must pay $1200 for the past 5 days betting. The reason why I didn't kena the first 2 sets of numbers earlier is "cost" and also it is in the new year 2008. Things are the numbers.

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

Oh...last wed also kena $150 but my friend didn't tell me. Shit!!
this shows that I but too many sets of fact, a long list of them.

Anonymous said...

Everybody will be happy and satisfied if there is a contentment in them.


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