Saturday, January 19, 2008

The maid issue

Well....that is life! I don't think it is fun to be a maid in the first give up your own lifestyle and to serve strangers. At most times.... gotto see the bosses' mood and faces. So
frankly if my maid really took the 3K.....then it is good for her.

I won't really make this a huge issue. My intention of getting a maid is to help look after my old man and frankly he was no cranky most of the time. And for a woman to look after a
strange old cranky no bed of roses too.

Let's take it as a huge bonus for being picked to do the "dirty job" and since my old man has died
I'll just let it be and move on myself.

Money can be, no problem to me to "let her have a way out of this cycle of life on a maid". Only hope she does not make this a "habit". Heaven is my witness!!!

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