Friday, February 08, 2008

OH....LORD please help me!

A prayer to the almighty....OH LORD, please help me to be a better person than I was before.
To keep my simple mind....simple and straight,
To keep my simple mind....focus on the things I should be doing,
and not to waste my time getting angry with things that won't or cannot be changed,
and try to clear all my debts before I have nothing left to live with as I get older,
to live a short but fruitful life.

Please hear my prayer and help me with the above.
Thank you.....GOD.


wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

can't even help or control my own daughters...both are too stubborn to see their own problems.

so...better for me to just pray that things I ask can be true!

clear my debts asap...stop playing the stock market and to be used to the idea of being alone by myself.

old man doesn't deserved younger woman's attention hahaha no better how sweet...only end-up feeling like a "shit loser" at the end of it all.

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...



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