Thursday, April 03, 2008

Just no luck with share, 4D and toto

Maybe time to change my nick shithead becoz not getting anywhere with the above lately.

Shares....when I bought the shares, it went down like a ton of weight. Luckily....managed to get back up but still lost money. Once I sold shot thru the roof. FCUKED...( yes! I know how to spell that.

For the 4D....same thing, the moment I stopped buying the set of popped up but when I continue buying smell. Funny thing is when no matter how many set of I-bets I buy...also all no smell.

Toto....well, just continue with my old man's numbers. Also no smell....but I have faith that he will help me hehehe. Btw I have dreamt of him lately....maybe it is due to "Chang Ming"? I will
go pray pray to him tml....the actual day itself.


1 comment:

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

No chance!

So....will just continue with small bets lor.


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