Friday, July 18, 2008

What are the Three Buddhist Trainings?

All Buddha's disciples undertakes a 3-fold Training (ti-sikkhā):
1: Training in higher Morality (adhi-sīla-sikkhā).
2: Training in higher Mentality (adhi-citta-sikkhā).
3: Training in higher Understanding (adhi-pañña-sikkhā).

Higher Morality is 3 fold:
It is Right Speech (sammā-vācā)
It is Right Action (sammā-kammanta)
It is Right Livelihood (sammā-ājīva)

Higher Mentality is 3 fold:
It is Right Effort (sammā-vāyāma)
It is Right Awareness (sammā-sati)
It is Right Concentration (sammā-samādhi)

Higher Understanding is 2 fold:
It is Right Motivation (sammā-sankappa)
It is Right View (sammā-ditthi)

The Blessed Buddha once said:
When founded on pure morality, then concentration produces a high fruit and blessing.
When based on deep concentration, then understanding brings a high fruit and blessing.
Being endowed with understanding, the mind is freed from all the mental fermentations related to sensing, becoming, views/opinions and ignorance.
This - in itself- is releasing!

It is through not understanding, not penetrating and not attaining noble higher morality...
noble higher mentality.. and noble higher understanding... that both you and I had to pass through this round of rebirths for such an immensely long time, without reaching the blissof deliverance, the bliss of peace and, the bliss of noble higher release: Enlightenment...

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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.