Saturday, August 23, 2008

Found something to do next week :) always good times followed by bad times then good times again. It is a cycle thing. If one is able to look beyond certain constrains or barriers, things can be okay.

Eg.....massage and facial thing, I always have to depend on my honey to be free and then we go for this massage and facial together. Now that...things are clearer and she is not likely to be free to meet me or want to be with me then....I might as well go and enjoy all these by myself. Why pay and not use it....agreed?

I was thinking of bring my wife along...but then she may ask questions so now I have decided to go by myself. Fxxk man.....almost 3o sessions by myself. Surely will enjoy and will feel very shiok too :)., not always bad or boring! If willing to give and take....and also to let go and not just hang on to certain thing, can enjoy life more. No point to sit and wait for the sky to drop before acting.
I have done all these...but still things don't change for the better. I think I will be happier too or for sure....I will be pampered first with smoother face and relaxed body. Hahaha...cheers!!!!

I will start this next week...4 rest days too. LIFE IS GREAT - the Great Eastern way!!! hahaha



Anonymous said...

Why....let emotion control u?

Be happy again.

Anonymous said...

it is good to be free and be happy. yes, since you have paid for the massage, you should pamper yourself

Anonymous said...

yeah...not bad and still have 24 more sessions to go to, but they are already trying to "up-size" the package. SHIT!!!

then again...with my honey, just no way for that to happen hahaha.

told them...i would be glad if i finished this lot first before wanting to think about it in the future.


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.