Monday, September 01, 2008

Who is Juseleeno Nobulega Daroose?

Biography of Juseleeno Nobulega DaRoose
A 47yrs old Brazilian man named Juseleeno Nobulega Daroose predicted an earthquake with a 8.1 magnitude that will shake the Philippines and will cause great destruction and deaths of thousands of Filipinos. Other sources called him Jucelino Nobrega da Luz. But his real name was Jucelino Nobrega Da Luz Juseleeno Nobulega DaRoose was born in the year 1960 from Brazil.

He was a teacher, married with kids. Jucelino Da Luz start predicting when he was 9years old. Everyday he dreamed 3 up to 9 events a day. Every morning Daroose take down every single scenario he remembered from his dreams. He said all predictions or prophesy was revealed by god to him thru dream. Juseleeno predicted more than 80,000 predictions.

July 2008 Predictions of Juseleeno Nobulega Daroose

Conflicts of homeless will mark in the south of Brazil and invasions and protests everywhere;

Strong Typhoons hit Japan resulting in big disruption and many deaths;

Australia is hit by a strong cyclone and there are many problems, leaving homeless;

Chile will be hit by a Earthquake of 6.9 in Richter scale and São Paulo feel the tremor;

8.1 Magnitude Earthquake will hit Philippines ,many people will die.

Big floods hit France, Germany and Moldavia leaving thousands of homeless and deaths;

Increase the conflicts in Turkey and combats everywhere against the Kurds (next to Iraq);

Bombing kill more than 100 people in north of Iraq;

Revolt and conflicts in Algeria (Africa) mark blood in the country. An earthquake of 7.1 hit the capital;

Increase the consume in Japan of 4.2% and the economic speed up;

A small earthquake of 3.1 is observed in the region of the Amazon;

My Conclusion
As I was reading the website of Mr. Juseleeno (here)…, I found out that out of his 80,000 predictions almost 99% of these doesn’t came to pass.. 1% only happened by chance.
Filipinos should not worry on this July 18 Earthquake prediction, of course its up to you if you want to prepare. What do you think?

Than again....really what can one person does? What he can already done! He has already tell his predictions in advance as a warning to all. Yes! this is indeed lucky for people that only 1% of his predictions turn out "right" if not then....hundreds of thousand of people will suffered.

If one is to do a search about doom day can be confused with so many sites about the subjects.

At the and of the day....we still continue to do our living as we have before. No point to stop living and go find a hole to hide. right?


wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

Good luck to those, whose life will be impacted if this is true!

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

Another doom-day prediction? Sad to see so many people are suffering at this time of age.


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