Saturday, July 11, 2009

15th lunar - chaim see thingy

yes...went to Waterloo temple on that day and do the usual things eg pray pray then follow by asking for a Chaim see prediction. Got no 66....bad prediction!

it was like....i was liken to be a broken boat caught in surging river and have to hang-on to dear life along the whole way down the river towards the sea. Or like a general whose soldiers and horses have ran away....standing alone against the enemies.

The prediction - to lay down and keep a low profile and wait thru this bad period. In life...there shall be good and bad time/period and one will follow the other like clock work and one must be prepared for it as usual and not to blame the gods or others. So....I will ready to do as per advised since I think this is the right way..
the only way to to go...esp during this period! So....after 4 days I can feel that this low profile thingy and not to confront people....but must be firm when dealing with a good advice to must heed.

Hope I will be a better man after this!

1 comment:

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said... feel that people are taking advantage of me eg when driving, at work and family but I am firm with them, all the silly nonsense stopped!

btw...I am not a sweet guy to begin with, so to act with firmness is a right advice too.


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