Thursday, July 23, 2009

little by moves on!

As one gets older....things become clearer but then again, it's not always better too. As for my case....children and wife have their own things to keep themselves busy...same same for honey too. So....end up with plenty of time in hands but nothing much to do.

Can only watch life moving on slowly without my involvement. Children busy with their cell-activities....Church thingy. Oh....City something, and acting like limbos by dressing and making up to the nines and going out the whole day only to come home late in the night. What the fish wrong with these nuts??? Just don't quite understand what are they doing the whole day/night. What is the different between them and the fanatics who got "brain-washed" to kill themselves and others? To me, if they will to spend that much time studying then their future would be much better and brighter then what they have now. Can't people see that all these acting....are
master-minded by the so called leaders....who make good money out of the activties.

There is pastor....looking like a mohawk red indian wannabe, wife become a "ang mo" wannabe? matter what they tried to look like....they are still chinese! Just to show that they don't have respect for themselves and their religion...unless
they are playing clowns! Then....there are others playing gods or doing shows.

Do...people going to church need to wear such make-up and dresses? Or are these just activities for boys/girls meet thingy? Even religion...has to go to such "madness" to recruit new members. Recently...know about another relative....being a as called born-again christian who also has changed her life completely by spending any free time eg after work or weekend doing the cell-activities or visiting or recruiting new members. No time to spend with own parent....poor old mother has to go downstairs to look for other old people to talk....all in the name of religion!

For myself....always thought being a good "whatever religion" should first show respect to own parents and spend time with them, then own children and spouse....and
only with extra time go to prayer house to go then go home to take care of own house. Then still got too much free time...go do charity works then can earn some merits. thinking of out of got short-cut to heaven by just going and spending time with cell group and can go to heaven. not the same thing as what I use to know. Now even.....monk, head of religion and priest got huge pay and cheat to get rich quickly by hook or by crook.
Sad....and they are already being treated like semi-gods but still need more money and power! What is this???? How can this be???? Don't they have any pride or respect for themselves???? Now...religion is huge business, can get rich faster too.

And if the world is to perish by 2012 thingy...then I won't be surprised at all, as lots of things have got too much ahead of themselves. Too much evil happening done in the name of god....and it has gone on for too long and beyond the norm. Something gotto be done to clean house!


wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

just sad to think what will happen to the children if this 2012 thingy is real and will happen.....
but then again with things going the way it is going then it is not surprising should it happened!

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

what i can do is to pray that the end comes quick and be over with asap.....not something like a slow hell thingy!


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