Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My bro and his family has went back to US

Back to quiet time hahaha....for the past 12 days, it was hectic esp have to bring them around. Then on gathering at my place. Even my neighbour complaint about the noise during the day. Guess condo people very sensitive type.

In the beginning...I was worried about what to do for them and where to go and so on, then is all over! Guessed not everything go as per turns out I have to play it with the mood and situation and from the look of things, I managed to balance the time correctly. His wife and children....want more shopping time while my brother does not. So...went with him to do other things eg visit my aunties and other relatives while his family went shopping. Or go eat durians while dropping his wife and children to go shopping. brother is "pretty tight" with money.
Just gave each kid S$50 for shopping while giving wife S$200. What a joke? End-up it was me who buy stuffs for the children.....already 17 and 13yrs girls. They came with 2 bags...and went home with 4 bags hehehe....that is what I called shopping holiday hor!

They went home yesterday morning and they have already reached home this afternoon.

Now....all quiet again sighed!


wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

may have to disturb my
bring her children over more often hor!

or...maybe go pau-pau if time permits!

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

that is why...he is the richest among us in our family.


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