Monday, September 07, 2009

Swimming this morning

Hahaha...managed to go for a swim this morning and the plan was for just maybe 30 mins but it ended up took about 1hr 45 min. The trouble was met the Bangla pool cleaner and was talking to him plus feed the fishes which was part of my morning ritual. Then....came a Korean American girl, so cute and friendly too. I was like "omg" at her swimming skill until the Bangla tell me that the girl is a regular at the pool and playground. Yes, met her once during the 1st of 7th mth praying outside condo and she was so curious about everything. I was thinking...why does any parent let their kid down by herself and why she wasn't afriad and go near to people praying. At that time...I thought she was local and maybe was waiting for school bus.
Btw she is only 7 yrs old hehehe.
Today I had the time to talk to fact it was she who want to join me swimming. Then I end-up to be her escort....asked her why no parent with her and she told me both parents were at working and her aunt which was the maid was cooking and minding her little brother. know me, end up watching after her hahaha esp don't want anything bad to happen to her mah. She just bearly able to keep her head above water but she swims in the adult pool by herself, so how can? god father to her and had a nice chat too. Oh...she has a coach and she swam pretty well for a 7 yrs old. Lucky she was kind of lazy if not...I can't keep up hehehe!
So after 1+hr...I was like telling her to go up to get ready for school but she insisted to keep me company. She was cold...morning no sun and strong wind mah. In the end...nearly 12 noon, the maid came down to fetch her. I also go for a bath after she went home. No more kaki...just alone in the pool, no fun!


wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

Guess I'm over protective about children esp my own, they also end-up not being street-smart. And didn't do much by themselves so they had a sheltered life! Not a good idea...after looking back!

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

another matter what, a maid cannot replace a parent becoz I don't think I will let my 7 yrs old child...worst if she is a girl down to play by herself in the pool or playground alone! Period...
even a son, I will keep an eye on him.

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

another I learned about the little girl, she has sharp tongue too towards other children hahaha.

while swimming got 2 other expat's children and one of them was showing off her watch to her and the little girl replied.."so what" but she was very sweet to me. So cheerful and speak great english.

her father is a english and math teacher in the Korean school maybe that explained her language skill.


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.