Thursday, October 22, 2009

Forex class

Frankly....didn't really learned much after attending 3 sessions, still don't really understand the whole issue about forex trading becoz for the 1st time on this Monday they want us to do "live trading". Meaning actual trading with real money....but small amount only. I have already put in US$2K as my margin. Till now...already lost less than US$2 in one of the trades. US$ vs EURO vs Pound trade is still not fulfilled.

Just don't want to be too exposed at the moment since I catch no balls during the classes. And I am not alone with that....another guy who also paid the 3.3K fee also is unhappy with the whole thing so far. I have voiced my concern to the trainer...but
he advised me to be patient with the whole thing as he will touch on my concern this coming session on Monday. Well...let's wait and see.

One thing I realised is that in forex trading....there are greater flexibility during a trade as compared to share market. In share market...when it is a down market....almost every share is down or just stay flat and there is nothing anyone can do a thing about it. Even the best...tends to lose in such a market. While for forex....can always trade with currencies pairs if not happy with the usual ones. And there are at least 50 over major pairs and at different time horizons or just sit out a trade. Another thing is....can just key-in a trade with stop-lost and take profit in place. In that need to sit the whole day looking at the pc which in share trading cannot afford if trade with big sum of money becoz of the commission involved....too expensive while for forex the different is pretty small and is built into the price as a "spread".

1 comment:

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said... trainer is Winston Ng of the Forex Driving School fame.
A young man....hopefully is my benefactor, the one who will supposingly point me the right way to make money!


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