Friday, November 27, 2009

Luck is as important as health for a person order to be enjoying the good things in life, one must has both good health and luck. So that....can have lots of money and able to spend them. This is not rocket science also....not so important to be too smart.

See, what I am trying to say is just look at me now! I am ready for battle in the stock market after going thru the course and understanding what it takes to "WIN". Had done back-testing of the system and confirmed it does work for most people and times. Went into the market on almost immediately the stock I bought went up. Next day......Wednesday, it went up further. So...powerful, went on to monitor other stocks with the system and bought Olam, Wilmar and SembMar then went to sleep. Shit....when woke up at nearly 5pm to get ready for work, checked the pc and my eyes just can't believe it. All 3 stocks went down....then checked on the news. Dubai...debt issue plus some China banks tightening of loans....and the most asian markets went down. I didn't fact, no time to think so no sell...even think today has trading. Totally forget about the holiday thingy too. WTF!

Today....HKSE went down 1000+ points and Asian market kena "HIT", now US market also kena "HIT". WTF!!!!

Now I am asking what is happening with my luck? I am prepared to do well in the stock market after thinking that I have got a good system in order to win. Now this? Who would have think of what happen in Dubai has anything to do with the rest of the world? And I was wrong with that thinking. No go need to worry.

That is why.....luck is as important as good health to a person in order to have a good life. SHIT!!!

1 comment:

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

yes...not only me is going to be impacted by this Dubai thingy comes Monday but why me?????


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