Monday, December 14, 2009

Blue chips or index stocks

Yes....came to realise that it is much better and safer if trade only with blue chips or Index stocks. This is due to the fact....better margin and easier to be in/out of a trade. The same applied to SGX and HK stocks.

Now...I traded mainly on HK stocks. So many stocks to choose by and in high volume too.
That way....also safer as can get out faster.

I want to learn about Swing trading and Day trading. I have read-up and printed out quite a few great ideas about both. Yes....esp at this moment, I cannot strictly depend on what was taught at T3B....that method would have work-out well during the early bull-run ( esp from Mar to Jul 09 ) but since now we are at the "toppish" end of the trend....gotto stay nimble and not too greedy. Still....should have another nice run-up before the whole bull-run runs out of "gas" which I predict should happen around Feb or Mar since everyone had said that the next Qtr GDP...should be on the high end, then follow by lower close qtr by qtr until the last Qtr. Well...base on that and looking around....that should be about right!

Now...must plan to trade according to the above which means that I should be "shorting" stocks at about the end of the 1st Qtr or around Apr....let the whole situation become clearer. A falling market....should be a profitable market too.

1 comment:

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

keep my fingers crossed....hehehe!


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