Saturday, December 05, 2009

Forex trading up-date

Guessed...I managed to score another "F" for my last week's trades. Worst....I was running with the herd into an ambush hahaha. When the data from US came out last night, I was caught naked....shot and killed in my 3hrs-core trade as I was at work, no time to react and I have read the whole game wrongly. I "short" the yen....while I should have "short" the Eur. It was a wrong call by me. So....back to the drawing board again for me hahaha.

Why....I thought that the yen has gone up too fast and too much for the week esp when the calls are still for the USD to drop against the majors. While at the same time...
the Eur did came down already vs the USD, and since the yen was going the other way...up! So...I was thinking of betting against it just before the announcement for the US - job data thingy. In fact.....I was doing fine up to the actual announcement then....kena whacked!!! In one shot up by more than one hundred plus pips
while at the same time....the Eur "tanks" by about the same value! SHIT!!!


wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

USD/JPY....was never my fovorite pair and I always end-up losing when I touch it.

Guessed...I never learn hor!

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

luckily....just lost $20+ local dollars.

Anonymous said...

looks like you have no fate with trading

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

well....fate should not be of the equation when it comes to trade esp after spending $$$$ going thru the courses.

I just took the loss as tuition fee as the loss is a small amount and before I placed it....I have done my homework and it is just a blip that I made a wrong call!


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