Thursday, December 10, 2009

HK market - Thu

The market started very well....shot up from the start but after nearly 45 mins of trading it started to "tank" and it just went straight down. Again....rumour of the Dubai debt issue re-surfaced together with Greece and Spain. The 2 later countries are also into trouble with debt repayment. By then....seem that the whole Asia's market went "south" by different degree.

At the 1st 30 mins of portfolio shows a $400+ gain but by 1+hr of trading it was showing a $100 loss. By noon....increased to $500+ loss. So....I bought again a couple of stocks.

I went to sleep and at 4pm, woke up to pee. Just go and check on my stocks....wah lan, got one went positive by HK$ just key-in to sell. Last min....sold. At the close of HK market...which was at 4pm our time, the market has somehow recovered most of the loss and my portfolio shows a couple of hundreds positive lor.

The HK market has went down for the past 4 straight sessions....still there were some stocks doing very well. In the T3B mentor's session....we are urged to trade that market and I understand why. It is really a casino....never a boring moment but die also faster if not prepared. Luckily with what I have learned....I ensured that my trades are always covered by "stop-loss" in place the moment I traded. That
nasty shock.

As why use CPF money to trade in SGX? Well....esp armed with this trading knowledge, I am super confident of making money. If the trade....went up during inter-day, can always asked the remiser to change it to cash, that way....can contra and take out the money immediately. If the trade is wrong....then leave it as cpf but even so after some will make money. Just treated it as growing the cpf. Still a win-win situation. I believe this is the faster way of growing the cpf or cash.


wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

yes...i won't take out the money any time soon from my CFD fund but I love to see the amount grow. not by much, just a couple of hundreds but it is because the market is "south" while I traded "long". Once it is going in-line...
it will added up very fast. I have seen shiok!

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

If....even it goes against my trades, I am protected with the "stop-loss". The most...I would lose up to max 8% per trade but since I have more than 1 stock in hand....I would place the "stop-loss" with just 3 to 5%.

Won't want to lose too that I can live and fight again another day or time.


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