Thursday, December 24, 2009

How to Become Successful at Forex Trading

How Do You Become a Successful Forex Trader?

Most people’s experience in the Forex Market is relatively short and in no way profitable. They hear about the currency market and think it is an easy way to make a lot of money in a very short space of time. Now, I am not saying this can’t be done, because for some this is true, but for the majority it’s certainly not the case. Let me explain in more detail …

In the early stages of most FX trader’s career, the first trading decisions generally come from tips and recommendations from brokers, alert services, forum threads or sometimes even mutual novice trading friends. Then, at some point, traders decide to study the market and attempt to find the perfect system or method to trade with. I am sure you can relate to the following statement; for many traders, the forex market and it’s nuances truly become an obsession that takes up countless hours of searching on the internet and books, forums and DVD’s , in the hope to find the holy grail forex trading system, which they eventually find out, simply does not exist.

Traders develop or buy a system and start trading way too soon. Sometimes it is profitable, but when it has a few losing trades (which is normal), they change the system, read a new trading book, etc. or go back to looking for tips and advice, back to the forums, back to Google, searching for more information. After some time, and after more losses and frustration, most give up and stop trading altogether. Or, they go on the analysing merry-go-round, keep paper trading and never get any financial success from their trading; this is the case for 90% of newbie and intermediate traders.

A few realise that the trading method they are using is not the actually problem and the most important ingredient in their trading is actually they.
In addition, they soon realise that a sound set of trading rules is essential to trading profitably. But if the rules are not followed, they are of no value, and an average trader will have difficulty making a profit with a good trading system. Ironically, a good trader who has skill and a good mind can make a profit with even an average system. Put simply, even with a perfect system, the human mind can stop it making money!

Statistics from surveys of US traders indicate that once a trading methodology is developed by a forex trader, then 80% of the effort in trading is actually trading skills (that includes things like trading psychology and money management).

When the trading system is developed and trading skills are learned, a person starts finally trading properly. Most traders encounter a setback at some stage; either the market conditions change or they don’t follow their rules. However, if good money management is followed, this is not a serious problem. Often, even after winning for several months, after a small set back, many great traders stop trading to evaluate what has happened. This is often a mistake, and is again, the ever-present emotional element which plays in the back of our minds every day we trade. It’s a mistake to interfere with the consistent day to day trading routine, even in the face of losses, the trader has to press on and believe in what they are doing.

Here Some Common Traps Traders Fall Into:
This is where the real decision about the trader’s future is made:
1. They stop trading all together
2. They find a new system, read a new book, and do another course. This can go on forever and successful trading will never happen.
3. They evaluate what really happened. Mostly it will be that market conditions had changed or they didn’t follow their rules.
Then the forex traders who go on to achieve greatness:
(a) Monitor the markets and start trading again but trade small amounts and don’t force trades, they then resume trading normally once they get back on track.
(b) Wait for market conditions that suit their trading style.

This is an important process to go through. Most traders go through this experience 2 or 3 times before they develop the skills to achieve their trading objectives.

Trading success is a result of consistency, discipline and patience and most importantly self belief… When you have a trading plan that involves clean price action strategies, and that is built on practical workable parameters and it suits your personal and financial requirements, and you stick to it, then your forex trading will become more enjoyable and more profitable.

My Forex Trading Course gives a set of trading strategies and rules that help traders develop a trading plan to trade consistently. Click here for information on my forex course.

Good Trading

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