Monday, December 07, 2009

Trading the Hong Kong stock thru using CFD

Yes....a fairly good start esp when the HK market going down 173 points and that I managed to have a HK$500+ in my unrealised P & L report. I was stalking the market and waited till it came down and I made my moves. In fact...I was a bit too early already or less I would have double that amount.

Bought just 1K of OOIL and 10K of Global Bio-Chem for a total of HK$50+K with me having to foot out less than S$2.5K as capital for part of my leverage buy.

Let's the winning run start with these trades!!! Cheers!!!

1 comment:

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

Oh....lord! please help me on my luck front lor!


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