Friday, December 04, 2009

Try to trade stock today

In my mind, I know that today being a Friday and also with the whole week...the market has gone up quite a bit so I expected that there would be a correction which is also healthy for the market. And with Hong Kong market going down from the start, and at it's worst situation it was 300+ point "south"....our market can be said to be quite strong esp just down 17 points at the end of the day and has been trading between the 10 to 20 down points range for most of the day.

I also want to clear some of my outstanding I don't quite like to hold stock over the weekend if possible esp with the present market "topish" condition. The recent "Dubai" issue has taught me to be careful and to take off some profits whenever possible while protecting my capital and investment with "stop loss" limit in place.

The theme for trading now is to protect the capital and to be able to live and fight another day.

1 comment:

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

yes....quite a fruitful week for me after the "Dubai" incident at end of last week trading, and still able to get out with a small profit. that to me is a good start....using the system!


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