Friday, May 07, 2010

Crazy wild swing for US markets - a wake-up call?

Yes...with the daily triple digits melt-down on the Dow, all other markets will also follow and almost everyone who has any thing to do with stock markets "suffers" esp for those on the "long" side and still holding to their shares.

My fund...of 50K was totally wiped off during this 5 crazy weeks and that is the danger of putting all the eggs in one basket. Prime example....WFT was I thinking.
Now...even showing a minus sign which meant that I still owe the MF Global $221 but
since my top-up was not yet reflected in their system. SHIT!

Again...the Dow market dropped another triple digits fall with all 3 US indexes are having a bad day. So come Monday....mati again here! For me...the worry is how my CPF investment fund will be doing esp since I may need the funds for getting a replacement flat.

Well.....just take it as a lesson learned, I shall be back hehe!

1 comment:

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

SMIC....can't believe that this stock caused me to lose 50K in 5 weeks....period!


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