Saturday, June 19, 2010

Attended a trading talk by MF Global

A wake-up call....after hearing what they said and also confirmed my opinion with regards to trading stocks. Just too hard esp with the company's news and result, and by the time....I heard it, it is already stray news too late for making money and if to enter the market then....likely to lose is greater than winning money if trade.

It is a 9 to 5 market....and after market closed, if anything "happening" in major markets will impact our market when it opens the next day here. Can "gap-up/down".
Then with the latest "last minute market big moves in US market"....we also kena
"whacked" if it's a big down day there.

Therefore....the stock market is very risky to be in as compared to those which trade 24hrs/day eg forex, index and commodity like gold, silver, oil.

Now....with MF Global launching the new trading platform for trading all of the above just using the same account, I will switch out and pay more attentions to the new opportunity. But I will first....get myself ready for more lessons before doing some water-testing for them.

Must learn to trade smart and make my money work harder for me, so that I have time to relex, swim, go feed fishes, gym, spa even stay home haha. At same time to do all these....full-time!


wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

based on my recent "mini" success for forex trading....I believed that I can make it if I pay my full attention to what I am doing.
Just like...working, full attention and focus.

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

and just doing the basic simple things....just follow the rules and don't try to 2nd guess the direction of the market. friend, and follow the trading trend and scalp in the profits...big and small ones too.

Shawn Cannon said...

Forex is far more manageable than stocks. There is less to study from the fundamental aspect, and if you learn to read price action well, you will be in a position to turn profits consistently.


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