Thursday, June 03, 2010

The month of May - what a horrible month for stocks.

Yes...confirmed, why....becoz I also kena "whacked" hard by stocks. Even with low profile ( stopped most of my buying ) still kena whacked.

Nothing went right....stock, forex and unit trust. Even 4D also kena mah.

1 comment:

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

A shocker month....for me too. My entire capital of 50k....gone in just 10 days of trading.

Have to top-up to trade again. For all forms of trading....must die die need a trading plan and the patience and discipline to adhere to it to the end.

Unless...there is a back-up plan ready to deal with the unexpected that pop up...from time to time.


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