Thursday, June 03, 2010

Your main Forex weapon is your Mindset

Perhaps you have noticed that your trading performance is affected by the way you perceive the world around you. This is because you require your full alertness and concentration to focus exclusively on the complexities of Forex. This is especially so if you practice day-trading and need to constantly monitor your open positions.

Your chief problem is the stress levels that emulate because you cannot afford to constantly make errors and generate increasing losses. In addition, you probably feel a sense of isolation if you are an independent trader, who works at home. If you have suffered under these conditions, then you could well have experienced periods of intense trauma.

Such situations are not good for promoting successful Forex trading because your ability to achieve positive results depends on your state of mind. You definitely need a mindset possessing tranquility and harmony in order for you to make any real Forex progress.

The main reason for this is that all your trading decisions must be of a consistently high standard and devoid of any negative emotions and sentiments. Your chances of succeeding as a Forex trader will be greatly enhanced if you can achieve such a positive mindset. In contrast, you will find that your ability to make quality decisions will diminish and your thinking will become unstable if you constantly let your emotions dominate your trading mentality.

You must understand that one of your main weapons in your battle against Forex is your own mindset. As such, you should always make your Forex decisions based on what you have scientifically and professionally deduced rather than your whims and gut instincts. If you can properly harness your mindset, then you will discover that your trading results will dramatically improve.

You have no doubt experienced that you can quite easily lose your concentration and calm when your mind becomes unstable and anxious. This is because you no longer perceive reality as your main focal point because your thoughts stray from realistic goals into dreaming the near impossible.

You will also discover that your moods can affect your trading results as well. This is because your moods can strongly influence your decision making and place your trading positions at increasingly risk.

Unfortunately, there are no mystic chants or magic formulae that you can use to ensure your Forex psychology is properly primed for Forex trading. We all have spontaneous natures that can induce quick changes in moods and mindsets without prior announcements.

As such, if you begin to feel overwhelmed by negative emotions, then your safest option is to stop trading in order to preserve your bank balance. You need to give yourself time to re-focus your mind and this is best done by removing yourself away from your trading environment.

Instead, if you persist in trading, then you will find that your trading decisions will decrease in quality and your losses will stack up. This is especially so if Forex is experiencing high levels of volatility.

1 comment:

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

talk is cheap....frankly. just gotto stay focus and stay alive to trade if not then everything is gone!


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