Friday, August 06, 2010

Up-date for my trading week

Frankly I am disappointed with myself....totally screwed-up for my forex trades as I lost about 3/4 of my total profit in my fund in just two days of trading. Why? I didn't put in a stop-loss for my trades becoz I felt USD/JPY and USD/CAD were already too low to fall lower. But they both did so....until I gave up on Thursday and kena stopped out. Then when the non-farm job data came out....I still go "long" for USD/JPY but didn't do a thing for USD/CAD. Yes....USD/JPY continued to fall while USD/CAD "fly", worst I kena stop-out for both my "short" trades for EUR/USD and GBP/USD.

Well...back to the drawing board!


wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

silly mistakes....really! just cannot leave out the stop-loss for any sort of trading in future.

I burnt my fund when I did the same thing for my CFD on HK stock esp for SMIC. Guessed I didn't learnt my lesson well. sighed!

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

May have to remind myself of the basic trading rules.

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

wah pan....nice skin la!

Daniel Gallagher said...

The problem is you, the issue is not a stop-loss

alan said...

well, it is all a game, you win some, you lose some and you learn a lot of lessons along the way.

Max Ackermann said...

You just lost of your total profit - YAWN. I can't believe these kinds of things really happen

Sophia Muller said...

Usd/jpy and usd/cad is one of those issues that features key greatness, and that involves experienced ministership on

Rafael Hall said...

Trading is something that best seldom be managed devotedly by you

Cheryl Anderson said...

I get the same problems frequently. I am so sympathetic to you. Good luck with working this issue out...

Louise Harris said...

Giving on thursday is a top-notch idea


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