Saturday, October 09, 2010

Forex trading is a up-hill battle for most

There is a high turnover in the number of traders that come into the premium trading room. We try everything in our power to help them trade profitably and stay members. As a matter of fact we conducted a poll of one of our trading session at the end to see how many traders were profitable during the session. This was a session where we posted 5 trades and they were all profitable for us. At the end of the poll the results were that 21% of the traders lost money even though we called 5 profitable trades.

In the beginning our team would get very frustrated about the fact that traders lose money despite us doing everything we can to help them. We still work hard and do everything we can but we have learned that many people fall through the cracks and dont make the cut as forex traders.

I have found a remarkable article about Forex Discipline that I recommend that you read. It is written by Jason Stapleton and he explains some key issues why traders fail.

I have also found an article that release the actual success rate of all traders at IBFX.

Thanks for reading and I hope this helps you take some improvements in your trading.


1 comment:

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

Wah...mati, no short-cut to money and happiness!!


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