Saturday, October 09, 2004


Man! this is the best time to look forward days...4 long days to rest & recharge. Especially good becoz the people I faced tonight is pure crabby and let it be....I go look at the smiling faces and I feel better. It is one
of those days for me....even me had to face this type of shit. So that is life. Was reminded of what soap_bubble and drifter's blog...Hope they can see this, just as I have will happen to all and you will not know when and will hit you when you are least prepared by at times the very people close to you....but for me, I just turn the other cheek or just walk away....there are just people who are crabby becoz their period has problem or they are just nasty when they see you happy....and they are close and that is the disappointment.
FUCK....them! for trying to ruin my day but I am stronger than that.
I will think of my happy moments with my love ones and also looking forward to taste it again with my honey.
As I am writing this there are things changing...long lost friend called! at 3am must be damn serious to meet up. the end of it all, it is up to me to choose and I choose to fuck more than getting "fucked".
At work, the old aunties are turning in their graves....just becoz there are new girls reporting to work. These are malay and indian girls....what are those aunties thinking? That I can be interested in those young girls. Man! anyway it is none of their bloodly business as to who I hump....shit heads! And becoz of these, they show me their crabby faces! No matter their husbands got turn off not to mentioned me....old fools.
hahaha! Jealously...the downfall of women especially the old ones and some young ones too...crazy!
Frankly....looking back! me not that bad still can made people jealous without having any close relation with them....but look at it the other way! somethings are wrong here....fuck! have nothing to do with them yet they are jealous....what is happening in this world? I feel flatter but at the sametime confused! Argggh ! fuck them all ....I will still do what I want to do, I don't live my life to other people's liking or expectation. I live for me.
The End....! hehehe.

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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.