Thursday, October 14, 2004

Just give up....

Man! Thought poor thing was having a terrible time and pow!!!......out off the blue, things are back to sq one. Just tried figuring about people's thinking is harder than get the 1st prize in toto. Especially if the subject is a oh man, so so fickle in their thinking. One day .....everything was wrong and the world was so cruel and bad after awhile when period over.....shit!! rainbow and silver lining suddenly re-appeared. If this is not a good example of fickleness....I don't know how to call it.
There are more for me to learn I guess......even after I am gone I still won't be able to give any answer to this end as long as there are still female around. Another example I can think that they are like osama....out to seek revenge or justice for some wrongs they can think of at the moment, so easy for them to forget about the happy and good times. Can only focus on the negative and unhappy stuff whenever they felt like......worst during the start of their period. fact, I know I will get into trouble for this. But something got to be said....sort of getting it off my chest, hate it if I have to pretend and live with it.

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