Thursday, March 02, 2006

woman....a source of all troubles and headache

What to say....a woman can be a source of all troubles and headaches if she turns 'bad' but then again without them, life too has no meaning unless the guy is gay. Like the movie Brokeback Mountain then with or without women make no different. Those gay need each other..since they are gay.

Too bad,....I am a guy so I need my woman not just for sexual releases but to relate to, to share the good & bad, to taste the fruit of my labour not matter big & small, to do things whatever else that one can think of.... from time to time.

But they too can turn out to be the one to drive a man "mad", to do things no other sane person will do eg. like take up drinking and smoking, give up living their normal life, going around sowing their wild oats, visiting the nightclub or the pros, to have mistress, and to the most extreme of kill others then himself ( look at the newspaper....lately so many cases. Now I can understand why they do what they did eg. like the Indian man who nearly chopped off his bitch wife's head at her workplace at Gul Way, or the Bukit Merah's case where the skinny hubby killed his Indonesian wife before her rich boyfriend can come to help her, etc etc and in all these cases, the killers did not try to run away after doing "in" their wives even when they knew that they can be "hang" for the offence. Other cases....the toyboy is done "in" too or at their head or bones "broken". Let's this be a lesson to all in future, think if it is worth all the troubles and headaches before getting involved with a woman esp a married one.

1 comment:

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

lucky i was dumped before i got into more serious troubles. now i too have learned my lesson.


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