Thursday, October 26, 2006

How not to worry about?

When was the last time somebody said to you, "Don't worry about it"? Worry is one of those things all of us do at some point, to a greater or lesser extent. I was thinking about this because of a conversation I had with a friend, who was worried about the fact that her mother was worried about something! Most people have enough stress in their lives without adding worrying into the mix.

But I know it's hard to stop worrying. It is actually a habit we get into. And it's ironic that most of the things we tend to worry about either happened in the past, over which we have no control, or haven't even happened yet, or are just possibilities. The author-physician A. J. Cronin once sat down and analyzed the worries of his patients. This is what he found:

Things that never happen 40%
Things in the past that can't be changed by worry 30%
Health worries 12%
Miscellaneous, petty worries 10%
Real, legitimate worries 8%

Now, there's nothing wrong with feeling concern over a problem or situation, and then taking steps to deal with it. But worrying actually paralyzes us, and often there is no action to take, because what we're worrying about in fact hasn't happened. And when worrying gets out of hand, it can lead to other troubles such as "burnout" and other stress-related illnesses.

So, what can you do to stop worrying? Analyze what is worrying you. Is it something that has happened, or only a "what if"? If it's something that has happened, get the facts, make a plan, and take action. Share what is worrying you with a friend or loved one. If it's a "what if?" situation, instead of only imagining the worst, think of three or more positive possibilities. After all, they're just as likely to happen as the negative scenario you've imagined for yourself.

And remember what the popular song says, "Don't worry, be happy."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Life is full of ups and downs...more worries than happiness..
It is always easy to console others by saying - "Take it easy", "Don't think so much"...etc..
But when you are in it, how can you don't think about it? or worry about it?
Someone ever told me that if a problem can be solved by monies then it is not a problem.
He said:" moneies can be earned, so if the monies earned can solved the problem then it is not a problem."
Well, to a certain extent it is true.. but there are always more to it than just meet the eyes.
Not all things can be bought by monies.
Situations are when we are not in it, we can never know and fully understand the pain that others are feeling.
Often we hear people saying:" Times will heal."
True, times will definitely heal but does any one know the pain and amount of tears shed just for the wounds to be healed. Then, there is the scar left after healing. :(

Fish is not bird, how can it understand the bird's happiness?
Bird is not human, how can it understand the unreasonably of human?
Human is not bird, how can he understand the bird's freedom?
Bird is not fish, how can it understand the Fish's silence?
Fish is not Human, how can it understand the childishness of human?
You are not me, how can you understand my pain?


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.