Friday, November 09, 2007

Friday market

Well...what to say? Again another killing field day for all markets. Here the drop of 70+ points or 2+% lost of the index, was a drop in the ocean. The Chinese markets go up and down the whole day. Same for the Hong Kong market too.

Now....with the US market closing down again, things won't look good on this coming Monday. The index has dropped about 307 points from the high in Oct of 3906 points to present 3599 points or 8.5%. But....still feel that the market had to correct further and bigger than now. There are rooms for further falls.


wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

Guess...come Monday, better to shut off the PC and TV. Sure to be tempt to run and sell to cut lost.

This is a price to pay for buying when it is not the time to do so.


wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

If only....I keep to my prediction and to enter the market when it corrected to the prices below then I don't have to sweat come this Monday. SHIT!!!

My pick for the local ones...mainly from Construction sector will be Yongnam ( below 33 cents ), Chip Eng Seng ( below 58 cents ) and Hiap Seng ( below 66 cents ).

The heavy weight ones shall be STX PO ( below 3.50 ) and Olam ( below 3.00 ).

The China ones then the ones shall be Synear ( below 1.90 ), China Energy ( below 1.10 ), China Fish ( below 1.88 ), YangZiliang ( below 1.90 ), China Sky ( below 2.00 ), China XLX ( below 1.00 ), China Sun ( below 50 cents ) and Pine Agritech ( below 43 cents ). For China is wise to stay out for the moment becoz of all the different views and ideas coming out of Bejing esp with the QII funds which can invest in oversea China stocks. One victim of this rumour is Hong kong market today...down by 5% or 1500+ points.


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