Friday, January 25, 2008

Will there be another chance for me?

Now wondering if I deserve another chance....guess I don't think so myself becoz I kept repeating the same old mistakes lei. How to justify for it then?

Luckily I have not sold off my present flat...if I did and if lost everything then...there can be no more chance to myself and my family to have a better quality of life. Can spend money without the need to think about whether I can or not able to pay for it. Whether is it worth the money? and so on.

So....until the end of this year, I may have this last chance to sell the house and to pay off all my debts and then in another 3 years' time I can collect my mininum sum in my CPF.

Another way out for myself now is maybe for me to "kena 4D or toto" hence this blog's name "wintoto". But quite is just more of day-dreaming on my part hahaha. Still it is not an impossible dream too if God really want to help me.

What do you think? Should I be given another chance? Your chance to play "god or goddess".


wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

deeper and deeper i sank into.

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

my fucking life story is not very nice reading material.


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.