Thursday, July 17, 2008

4D - Wednesday draw

What a waste? Bought 1383 ( I-bet for 1 big BOX = $24, if from pte then it is just $19.20) on Sunday but didn't buy this one on 16/7 - Wednesday. Or....else I will be fatter by 4K. luck lately since after kena my house number for starter price and that was more than 1 month ago.

Went to tampines mall yesterday night to get a hp, a Sony C702. And my kid does not want it so in the end I took it for my own use and now I playing songs and enjoying myself hehehe, POWER!!! and at work too.

Have removed all the empty fish tanks from my house. Hopeful...I will be in luck again becoz according to the old not to keep empty fish tanks at home.


wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

All the best for me!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.