Saturday, March 11, 2006

Time for the healing to start....let's move on.

Guess....all these anger and bitterness are also taking their's toll on everyone's life. Dream, hope and faith were shattered by all these crazy thoughtless actions and deeds. We are paying the price for our actions now but we must wake up to the facts that there are also innocent ones with us....and they should not be accountable for all these. was a mistake and people do make mistakes. It is just silly of us to put all our future and efforts into pointing out who has done this and that mistake.

So....after all the angry words said and written, for all the stones thrown....let's agreed to let all these put to rest so that we can move on with our lifes and dreams.

There are still so many things and challenages that we are going to face in the future, so there is no time to lose and to let these "go".

True! "Love" is a very powerful tool just like a can cut both ways ( for it can heal and it can also destory ). But it is all in our choose whichever way we want but let me urged all of us to choose the "right way" not just for ourselves but also for our own "redemptions" to all the suffering and pains that we caused to others.

Karma has it that we are what we are....the people closest and dearest to us....the believe we had in ourselves and others....our future, the children and their children.

Until we can fully understand the actions of others....let us understand our own actions so that we can learned and do better the next time. Things failed because we let them failed....with our actions and our selfish thoughts. Now that we know our weakest....our faults, we must ensure we don't do the same mistake that impacted other's life and causing troubles that should be prevented in the first place.

So.....Dear lord, now.....please let's the healing begin. Peace be with all of us now and in the future....Amen!


wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

Peace be with you...Sandra, Mr Tan and to the other main player! And to me....winsome, losesome!!!

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

Yes!! we can except that our life and the ways we treat other each to be different from before....but
if we truly tried our best to heal this may turn out to be BETTER than before too. understanding...less demanding...and lastly more forgiving then before. Do it not for ourselves but for the innocent ones!!!

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

Yes! not easy...who say it is going to be easy, trusted me! but if we don't try then what?


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