Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Stock market - meltdown ( double fxxked now )

Well....see for yourself in every news on radio/TV/Internet or newspapers that market all-over the world "melt-down".

As usually....I am in the market and suffering a double fxxked for it. In fact...I went in this morning esp when shares are already sold down yesterday as much as 30%. Eg STX PO - yesterday morning it was trading from 2.56 to 2.69 so when it dropped to 2.45 I went it....2.47. This morning...the fxxking shit open at 2.32 and it slowly went up to 2.37 but for a while or two. By noon.....it went down to 2.17, I went to do my "pray2". Then went as low as 2.09 before closing at 2.27.

Double fxxked??? It was becoz I sold off other stock to stand-by the money to pick this...and the counter went
up instead. I sold Celestia at 60C...and it closed 62C and I bought this stock at 1.06 the last time.

Tonight...US will open with a melt-down also, the only hope is that Fed chairman will come out to say something becoz Bush keeps hiding among the bushes all these times. What we need is the former chairman....
Allan Greenspan becoz what he said, no body know or understand so anyone just wake-up and realised that
the market cannot really goes up/down too suddenly.

Chinese New Year rally?????.....balls dropped off already.

1 comment:

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

Must go to "sing-song" also........
to let off some sob...sob.


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